High-quality postcards and rack cards are among the most effective direct-mail marketing methods. Even short postcard runs can be incredibly affordable; and the light weight and small dimensions of postcards makes them very affordable to mail.
Unlike many other direct mailers, your customers don’t even have to bother opening your postcard to find out what your offer is. Your postcard headlines are next to impossible to miss in the mailbox, especially when they’re memorable, big and bold.
Files need to be built to the final trim size plus 1/4″ bleed on each side. Therefore, if you are ordering a 5 x 7 postcard, the graphic file’s size should 5.25″ x 7.25″.
Accepted File Types
For best printing results, we recommend files to have a resolution of at least 300 dpi. Submitting files with resolution lower than 300 dpi may result in the print turning out pixelated or blurry.
Color Mode
All full color artwork and/or images must be saved in CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow, black) color mode. While black and white artwork and/or images must be in grayscale color mode.
Fonts & Lines
When creating files on vector based software such a illustrator, inDesign, or Freehand, all text must be converted to outlines before generating the final PDF file. If working out of Photoshop, simply flatten the image. Do not use fonts smaller than 8 pts. Note that small or very narrow fonts may not render well on print against dark backgrounds. Keep all lines at least .25 pts thick. While thinner lines may be visible on screen, they may not show on print.